Atmospheres Lighting
Enhancement Fluid, 2.5 Gal

Rentals/Manufacturers/Lighting/High End Systems

Cost $ 1 2 2 dot 9 9 plus tax
Prices subject to change without notice.

Atmospheres Lighting Enhancement Fluid, 2.5 Gal.

Fog Fluid


Atmospheres Fog Fluid has been created to provide a self-cleansing action in High End Systems, Inc. professional fog machines. Contamination size is kept to within five microns. The water contents of this fluid contains less than five parts per million mineral accumulation. Dilution or combining this fluid with other substances may be unsafe and can cause premature machine failure. Formulation of this fluid is from polyfunctional alcohols regularly used by the food and cosmetics industries. This fluid has been tested and reviewed to be “not a significant hazard to the user” by an indepenent industrial hygiene laboratory.